Canned Wine Co. is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking, forced and unlawful child labour (collectively ‘human trafficking and slavery’). Canned Wine Co. will not knowingly use unlawful child labour or forced labour in any of the utilities and/or other commodities, products and/or services it provides, nor will it knowingly accept commodities, products and/or services from suppliers that employ or utilise child labour or forced labour.
Canned Wine Co. will take all reasonable steps to try and eradicate modern slavery or human trafficking from its supply chains or any part of its business. Canned Wine Co. also requires its suppliers and contractors to adhere to the highest standards of ethics.
Canned Wine Co. believes that it has a responsibility for promoting ethical and lawful employment practices. While Canned Wine Co. appreciates cultural differences, it does not, in any circumstance, condone the exploitation of any child or forced labour. To help foster that commitment, Canned Wine Co. follows the following principles:
Canned Wine Co. prohibits the use of child labour and/or compulsory labour in its operations and facilities.
- No employee of Canned Wine Co. is made to work against his/her will or work as forced labour, or subject to physical punishment, abuse, servitude or coercion of any type related to work.
- Canned Wine Co. will not employ any child (as defined by the International Labour Organisation Convention) to perform work.
- Canned Wine Co. expects its business partners, associates, suppliers and contractors with whom we do business to uphold similar standards and not engage or permit any child/forced labour. In the event a pattern of behaviour in violation of these principles becomes known to Canned Wine Co. and is not corrected by the business partner, associate, supplier, and/or contractor, Canned Wine Co. will take action which it deems necessary, including but not limited to, discontinuing the business relationship.
It is the responsibility of local management to ensure compliance with this statement. If an employee violates this statement, they will be subject to a disciplinary action which may lead to the termination of their employment.